Strength training for runners is so important.
A lack of weight training to develop strength and appropriate mobility is one of the sins of endurance runners.
My clients and athletes are always surprised when I tell them about Paula Radcliffe following an explosive strength training schedule during her career.
It helps with foot contact biomechanics and when she was running, she was taking a lot of steps…that’s a lot of opportunities to be faster and more efficient!
Most people don’t have a running programme let alone a strength training program to suit their running but there are so many benefits!
✅ Strength training reduces the chance of injury.
✅ Improves muscular endurance.
✅ Increases power output.
✅ Improves running biomechanics and technique.
✅ Reduces the strain on tendons and ligaments.
Anything is not always better than nothing. You are not a bodybuilder so don’t train like one.
The best strength training program for running is one that complements your running.
Too many of us fear that running and weight training don’t go together, that lifting weight’s will ruin your physique.
That’s only if you do it wrong…and have really good genetics!
Instead, big movements to the correct intensity and volume can make you a faster, more resilient runner.
Imagine more muscle being able to provide you with power with every stride.
This is an example of my programme, just CLICK HERE.
I’ve noticed numerous runners who limit their ability to achieve a personal best by avoiding strength training and even more who suffer injury, because they lack the muscular strength to handle the mileage they cover on the road, don’t become one of those runners.
Strength training runners, those who incorporate weights and all forms of resistance are winning runners.
CLICK HERE to buy my Strength Training Program.