What makes training with Performance Physique different from other clubs and academies?

The nature of the sports, health and nutrition industry is what makes us different. It’s very easy to attain many of the qualifications in the industry, their isn’t much regulation nor is there consistency in the quality of many of these qualifications and the amount of experience required to be a good practitioner varies a lot.

In the UK we often follow extremes instead of enjoying the middle ground. When I say that, I am saying we must recognise the importance of qualifications but also the need to support that qualification with experience working with a mentor, gaining exposure to excellent training environments.

This is one of the greatest strengths of Performance Physique.

My pathway into sport was not typical nor was it straight-forward but it allowed me to build a holistic picture of performance and what it takes to not only be a better athlete but also to continually develop as a coach.

Before I continue, I must give credit to those who allow sport to exist in the UK, the volunteers, thank you. Many of you are parent’s with children taking part or very often, have now finished participating in the sport. Yet you dedicate your evening’s to furthering others.

The irony is that sport and health are poorly or incorrectly funded. With the cost of facility hire, how can we expect professional level coaches being able to provide their time, free of charge to coach. This is something I believe needs to change in the UK. To allow true coach development to occur we must make it one where a career can be achievable, otherwise we will never have experienced and well-qualified coaches working with a large number of children and athletes.

Professional sports clubs very often offer below average incomes for their coaching and sports science roles within the first team and academies, how could that possibly attract the level of coach that our children need and instead very often only fresh graduates starting their career can take the role.

Therefore, how could you possibly expect anymore from your local club that relies entirely on the free evening’s of parent’s with a little knowledge to pass on to other children.

As a start-up, I recognised this and knew that developing coaches was key. Three of the coaches here at Performance Physique, volunteered alongside their studies for 1-2 years in order to allow both our coaching business to grow but in return I guaranteed them qualifications and the experience into coaching science, so they could develop into the top level coaches they are today with an opportunity to coach their own athletes and clients.

Due to our paid coach model, this has allowed us to not only achieve a high level of qualifications in a number of sports, scientific fields and areas of nutrition but also gain experience coaching athlete’s. Understanding what works and what doesn’t.

My time as a lecturer, further pushed me to recognise the importance of continuing professional development and as a result, I am proud to say I still work with the two leading coaches in world and regularly speak with leading nutritionists to ensure I never let my client’s down.

Without volunteers, sport doesn’t exist. We are incredibly grateful to those individuals and they will forever be important for sport but when I say what makes Performance Physique different.

It’s by bringing together, qualifications, quality experience, a scientific underpinning of physiology and understanding the importance of continuing professional development.

Thank you for supporting Performance Physique, we will always strive to deliver the highest standard of service to you and your family.

Coach Arj

Founder & Head Coach | Performance Physique

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